2015 Journal

Finally able to get back into rhythm after several off-years. Still haven't set up the canning station, but should have it up and running next year.


Tally for 2015

  • Apple Chutney - 35 half-pints
    Applesauce - 24 quarts
    Apricots - 38 quarts
    Chicken Soup - 14 quarts
    Chili Sauce - 12 pints
    Corn Chowder - 21 quarts
    Corn Relish - 18 half-pints
    Onion Soup - 21 quarts
    Peach BBQ Sauce - 10 half-pints
    Peaches - 10 quarts
    Pepper Water - 26 quarts
    Pesto - 8 half-pints
    Rhubarb Relish - 9 half-pints
    Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce - 21 pints
    Strawberries, frozen - 5 quart bags
    Strawberry Puree - 10 half-pints
    Tomato Chutney - 23 half-pints
    Tomato Soup - 27 quarts
    Whole Tomatoes - 13 quarts
    Zucchini Soup - 17 quarts


Story of 2015

June 13, 2015
  • Rhubarb Relish - 9 half-pints
  • We picked this at one of our local growers King Orchards . This is another attempt to recreate a canning recipe of my grandmother's simply from the memory of the taste - 60 years ago! Whatever she made, it was definitely not this. We'll try another recipe next year and see.
  • Frozen Strawberries - 5 quart bags
  • We actually still have some berries from last year's harvest so we only froze 5 quarts worth. These were early berries - the weather has been weird and most places don't have any strawberries in yet. But our friends at Verdant Ground were able to get us 10 quarts.
  • Strawberry Puree - 10 half-pints
  • This is a new recipe for us. Rather than make jam, which has a LOT of sugar, we tried this one. Absolutely no sugar. In fact, the recipe calls for a little salt and lemon juice and we didn't even add those. Pure strawberries. Delicious!
August 2, 2015
  • Zucchini Soup - 17 quarts
  • This is one of our favorite soups and is extremely cost-effective when zucchini are plentiful. It is not hard to make at all and you can vary the amount of cilantro to your tastes. We got 15 pounds of Zucchini from our friends at Providence Farms . We were not able to set up our new canning station and so cooked this in the house.
August 16, 2015
  • Apricots - 38 quarts
  • We got a litle carried away this year. Apricots, though, are so easy to can we couldn't help ourselves. 3 half-bushels from King Orchards which was about 75 pounds of apricots. Weather was very hot, ugh. We did set up our new canning station but it didn't help much with the heat.
August 18, 2015
  • Pesto - 8 half-pints
  • Basil fresh out of our garden, nothing beats it. We like the half-pints as that is the perfect amount for the two of us when making pesto pasta or a pesto, pinenut and artichoke pizza! (Although we put these in jars, we freeze them as the oil would go rancid no matter how we processed it.)
August 22, 2015
  • Pepper Water - 26 quarts
  • We got 175 pounds of tomatoes today. We have a lot to process. This batch of Pepper Water went really well, but its a slow process to cook them down. This batch is hotter than last years.
August 23, 2015
  • Tomato Soup - 27 quarts
  • This is a new recipe and I like it. She's not a huge fan of tomato soup, but there are a lot of ways to modify it so we should be good. Ended up making twice the amount as I had planned.
  • Chili Sauce - 12 pints
  • Several years ago we made chili sauce and it was great. However, we lost the recipe! This was an attempt to recreate it, and I have to say, it's pretty good.
August 24, 2015
  • Roasted Garlic Pasta Sauce - 21 pints
  • This is a new recipe. It has a ton of garlic and cooked down nice and thick. Lots of work, but it should be tasty. We're going to try some later this week and we'll let you know how it came out. Update: It was delicious.
August 29, 2015
  • Tomato Chutney - 23 half-pints
  • A favorite. We did half-pints this years as we don't eat it that often. Also, going to be gifts this holiday! It's a nice change for our usual Apple Chutney - which we will be making later on.
August 30, 2015
  • Corn Relish - 18 half-pints
  • Another attempt to create grandmother's recipes. This was a success, unlike the rhubarb relish. We don't eat this very often but everyone likes it!
  • Peach BBQ Sauce - 10 half-pints
  • This is a new recipe and smelled wonderful. Can't wait to try it out. We didn't make a lot as we want to wait until we see how we like it.
  • Corn Chowder - 21 quarts
  • A standard. This is delicious in the dead of winter. It's a bit of work shucking 60+ ears of corn and then getting the kernels off. Other than that, it's easy.
September 5, 2015
  • Peaches - 10 quarts
  • As we overdid it on the Apricots, we thought we'd cut back a little on the peaches. Nothing better, though, then sweet juicy peaches throughout the year.
September 7, 2015
  • Whole Tomatoes - 13 quarts
  • One of the easiest things to can. One of the local farm markets, King Orchards , is overflowing with really good tomatoes so they are on sale! We may can some more.
October 19, 2015
  • Onion Soup - 21 quarts
  • This takes a long time to skin, thinly slice and slow roast 25 pounds of onions, but it is so worth it. Nothing better in the depths of winter.
October 24, 2015
  • Chicken Soup - 14 quarts
  • These year's batch is different. We had leeks instead of onions, brussel's sprouts instead of green beans. We also had some kale which we threw in for the heck of it. Smelled wonderful, though.
November 7, 2015
  • Applesauce - 24 quarts
  • Every year cook 'em up for the folks. Last year we made 12 quarts and they went through them before August! So this year - 24!
November 15, 2015
  • Apple Chutney - 35 half-pints
  • Mostly for ourselves, but we are pairing some half-pints of Tomato Chutney with these as gifts. Hope they like 'em.