Firefly Home Page



If you have not seen Firefly do not read any further than this Introduction page. The rest of this site assumes that you have already been in the 'verse.

Firefly was a television series created by Joss Whedon. It aired in the fall of 2002 and was cancelled after only 11 episodes were shown. It is one of the best series ever and should never have been cancelled.

Two years after the series was cancelled, Joss Whedon was able to make the movie Serenity that tied up some of the story lines.

We recommend that you watch the series and movie - now.

One thing, though. The characters occassionally speak Chinese. The subtitles only show "Chinese" if they have anything at all.

We developed a Viewer's Guide that contains all of translations (thanks to Firefly-Serenity Chinese Pinyinary). You may wish to download this and print it out as a reference while watching. There is a PDF version and a Word Document version.